Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Glossary of terms as they apply to One Tenth

This post will likely be an ongoing project.

  • #- pounds (when used in weight, like eggs or produce)
  • Bio-intensive gardening- Compact, high yield gardening in a small space
  • Brooder- A setup to raise baby chicks or other poultry, usually starting as "day-olds"
  • Buck- male rabbit
  • Crop rotation- the age old practise of rotating families of crops, so that you do not plant the same crop in the same place for at least 3 years. This is a great way to organically prevent pests & disease & replenishes the soil, rather than depleting it
  • Day-old- refers to a baby bird (in our case- ducklings, poults or chicks) that is..... a day old :D. Day olds are typically what is sold from hatcheries & feed stores.
  • Doe- Female rabbit
  • Mycotoxicosis- Alflatoxin and many other mycotoxins are produced by fungi growing in raw materials or finished feed. The toxins are very stable and remain in the feed indefinitely. Major effects vary from slight ill-health to substantial mortality. Symptoms include reduced appetite which may be due to unpalatability of the feed, lethargy, diarrhoea, thirst, prostration, poor growth, reduced egg production and immunosuppression. There is frequently severe damage to liver, kidneys and other organs. Diagnosis of disease in the birds may be difficult or impossible. Products are available to prevent mould growth in the stored feed. No effective treatment but vitamin supplements may be helpful.

  • Poult- Baby turkey chicks
  • Urban gardening- By definition, urban is related to population per square foot. While the town we live in is not urban, our way of gardening is
  • Vertical gardening- Gardening on trellises, or any other structure that grows UP

1 comment:

Millie said...

I'm excited to see you raising turkeys this year! I look forward to seeing how it goes for you. Hoping for a hen!