Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Chicks & Baby Bunnies

5/12/10- The baby bunnies will be 8 weeks old on Friday. For some reason I was thinking they were between 6 & 7 weeks old. Thankfully I looked at the calendar. They HAD to be separated by Friday or I run the risk of them breeding each other. Sunday evening we sexed them. Today I sexed them again, without looking at the notes I'd made, to see if I agreed with my previous judgment. They all matched Sunday's thoughts.

We have 3 girls & 3 boys if my sexing is correct. The boys will be butchered once they come to size, which could be in as many as 3 more months. Of the girls, we have plans on keeping 2 for breeding stock. As far as inbreeding goes, when breeding for meat or pets (in other words, not for show) you can breed mother to son & father to daughter. I've read not to do any further inbreeding than that until I know more. I'm not really sure I want to know more as in- I am happy with the aforementioned arrangement.

I also bred Bunnicula again to Cowboy. If all went well, which it appears it did, she will be due on or around June 12th.

On to baby chicks. I've read that sometimes (though not 100%), you can sex a chick as young as a couple weeks old based on tail formation. Apparently pullets feather out in the tail sooner than cockerels. If this is the case I have 2 definite pullets & another that I think may be a pullet. Of course, I'm not banking on this entirely, but I'll be excited to see how this pans out. 2 of the 5 chicks have very big tails (in comparison), 1 has a tail half the size & the other 2 have no tail feathers as of yet.

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