Remember the babies born in March?? These are the 3 girls. One looks JUST like her Daddy, only her spots are a little lighter.

And these are the 9-day old new babies. Their eyes are ALREADY OPEN!!!

Here is a MUCH better pic of that gorgeous cockerel. His tail feathers are finally coming back in. When Momma & babies were reintroduced to the flock, a couple of them would wander off. She'd bark at them, but would stay with the majority of the chicks unless she HAD to leave the larger group. So little mistah got all his bum feathers pecked of, LOL. I also love the colouring of the other one in the pic. Guess what? That's a cockerel as well.....

Here are 2 more of the broody's babies. The black is shaping up to be a girl, and I think the little tan & cream one is as well. The tan & cream has beautiful colouring & pattern, too. She seems to be getting some black (little) spots on her now as well.

Hey Michaela---I don't know if you remember me but I'm Calico Prairie from Michelle's forum. I just found your blog and decided to read. Love your pictures of your animals--so sweet.
Tell me, what do you do with your rabbits? What I mean is...do you sell them, save their pellets for compost, eat them (sorry!) or what? The reason I ask is because we are not zoned for chickens, but we may be able to have rabbits here...Im curious what resources we can use them for, besides just being our pets.
I DO know you!
Thanks for stopping by! The rabbits we raise predominantly for meat, but I am learning to save fur.
They are definitely a good alternative for chickens. Read here:
If you have any questions, my ear is always open.
Thanks Michaela!
BTW, now that I've found it, your blog is on my blog list so I can keep up with your little homestead. :)
Love the pics - that is a gorgeous cockerel - even with his bald bum? Is there a particular chicken breed youd suggest for meat and eggs?
We got white plymouth rocks this year for meat & if they lay like my barred plymouth rocks, they're goodies. Buff orp's lay well, and they are nice & fat, and are supposed to be dual purpose. I have a buff heading to the stewpot, so I'll let you know.
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